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November is the month to get serious about your home’s furnace. When the winter weather starts, the furnace will become the most important appliance in your house. It will work daily to keep your family warm and safe. Although modern furnaces are built to high standards of performance, they require special maintenance attention each year so they can work at their best and enjoy a long service life.
Your furnace needs to have regular maintenance from professionals before each winter begins. Our team at Peak Home Performance can do this job for you, and our maintenance program makes it easy and affordable. We’ll see that your furnace runs safely, experiences few repair issues, works at high energy efficiency, and brings you peace of mind through the winter.
But … there’s a vital maintenance job you’ll have to take care of through the winter on your own. Don’t worry, it’s not a difficult one: you only have to regularly change the filter’s air furnace. (If you aren’t sure how to do this, our team is glad to help show you during your maintenance appointment.) Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes forget to do this job. To help you remember, we’ll shine a light on why changing the filter is such an essential part of keeping your furnace running at its best.
The air filter on your furnace does an important job: it protects the furnace’s interior from the dust, lint, dander, and other debris that will try to enter it as the blower pulls in air through the return ducts. After one to three months, the build-up of debris in the filter will be enough to clog it and restrict airflow into the furnace. This can cause numerous problems for the furnace, harming energy efficiency, performance, and damaging the furnace itself and shortening its service life. Simply by changing the filter regularly for a clean one, you’ll help your furnace…
There’s much more, but we hope we’ve given you a good idea of why regular filter changes make a major difference for your furnace and for your home. We’re here to help you get the best from your home heating system—just ask us at your next maintenance appointment about the right schedule for replacing the furnace’s air filter.
Call Peak Home Performance today to learn more about our maintenance program.
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