Find the Right Air Conditioning System from Peak Home Performance
If your air conditioner is outdated or you’re ready to switch to a more modern system, it’s smart to install the new system before the heat strikes. Spring is a time for fresh starts, and that could include investing in a new AC system.
Although Colorado isn’t known for blistering 100-degree days, temperatures in the 80s still require the sanctuary of an air-conditioned home. At Peak Home Performance, we install all different types of AC systems, so our customers always have a choice that will meet their goals and fit their lifestyle.
Peak Home Performance AC Systems
Air conditioners come in many shapes and sizes, each with its own pros and cons. If it’s time for you to invest in a new system and you aren’t sure where to start, here are the primary types of systems we install.
Central Air Conditioner
A central air system is the best choice when cooling multiple rooms at once. This type of system uses a split AC system consisting of air ducts, an external condenser and compressor, and evaporator coils and air handlers installed inside the home.
Ductless Mini Splits
Homeowners wanting a more energy-efficient system may choose ductless mini splits. This system offers zoned cooling, allowing you to individually cool rooms to a specific temperature.
Dual Fuel HVAC System
A dual fuel HVAC system combines a furnace and an electrical air-source heat pump to deliver efficient and cost-effective results. It can run automatically, or you can program the system to turn on and off at desired temperatures.
Heat Pump
A heat pump is a device that draws in air from outside, sends it through a condenser coil, and disperses cold air into the room. It is a compact, eco-friendly device that provides savings on energy bills.
Want to get in touch with one of our HVAC experts today?
Whether you’re installing a brand-new air conditioner or replacing an outdated system, we have a system that will meet your needs. If you need help deciding which one to choose, our experienced technicians can help. Contact Peak Home Performance today!
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